The version 2022-02-08 software added one very important feature for DDCS-Expert, the users can configurate the slave axis, that is very useful for Doube-Y structure CNC machine.
Here is the related parameters:
#488 -p1 -a3 -t2 -s1"Programming axis of physical axis 1" -m1 -min=0.000 -max=4.000 -i0"X" -i1"Y" -i2"Z" -i3"4th" -i4"5th"
-s3" "
#489 -p1 -a3 -t2 -s1"Programming axis of physical axis 2" -m1 -min=0.000 -max=4.000 -i0"X" -i1"Y" -i2"Z" -i3"4th" -i4"5th"
-s3" "
#490 -p1 -a3 -t2 -s1"Programming axis of physical axis 3" -m1 -min=0.000 -max=4.000 -i0"X" -i1"Y" -i2"Z" -i3"4th" -i4"5th"
-s3" "
#491 -p1 -a4 -t2 -s1"Programming axis of physical axis 4" -m1 -min=0.000 -max=4.000 -i0"X" -i1"Y" -i2"Z" -i3"4th" -i4"5th"
-s3" "
#492 -p1 -a5 -t2 -s1"Programming axis of physical axis 5" -m1 -min=0.000 -max=4.000 -i0"X" -i1"Y" -i2"Z" -i3"4th" -i4"5th"
-s3" "
For example, If you want configurate the 4th. Axis as the slave axis for Y axis, set the #491 to "1".